Will have to play a lot of catch-up tomorrow, cause I missed most of tonight's stuff. Highlight for spoilers:
- Lost: I suspect that a lot of people in forums and all that will complain about another episode that does little to answer any questions, but I hope they were able to just enjoy this episode. Cause it was interesting, well-written, well-acted, and funny.
The scene with Hurley and Cheech in the fortune teller's shop was hilarious, and Hurley's just such a likable character that even with all the bad stuff he's going through, the whole episode was just plain fun. Maybe I'm crazy, but if what's on screen is compelling, I don't care how it relates to the overall plot. If it answers puzzles about the island, great, if not, that's great too.
My one complaint though, was the opening credits, which listed Mira Furlan. I try not to pay attention, but one of the guys I was watching with didn't believe that that was Cheech Marin playing Hurley's dad, so we were watching for his name to prove him wrong. Then Mira Furlan shows up, and I know Rousseau's going to make an appearance.
The weirdest moment of the episode was when Hurley came up to the beach to announce that he'd found the car, at some point there was a bunch of commotion, there was a very brief shot of Nikki being pulled backwards, seemingly against her will, by the back of her shorts. There have been hints about a relationship between Nikki and Paulo, the two most uninteresting characters ever, but if they have some kind of weird dysfunctional relationship, I might actually become interested in them. Anyway, I thought it was strange, and couldn't have been for no reason.
Random complaint: Attention, makers of "K20 Protein Water," if a beverage is flavored, colored, and has calories, there is no possible way to call it water. I realize you're trying to brand it as a health drink or whatever, but it seems like somebody ought to step in and stop this before Anheiser-Busch starts advertising their "Carbonated, Fermented Barley Water."