Friday, February 16, 2007

Thursday Night TV

Was kinda tv-ed out from catching up on Tuesday and Wednesday, so I only caught a little of tonight's stuff. Highlight for spoilers:

  • Scrubs: With all the plot recently, this was mostly a treading water kinda episode, story-wise. Nothing really happened, which was pretty nice. Just a bunch of goofy jokes. I'm guessing it's overloaded right now, but isn't loading for me. I'll have to check it out later. I also love that the janitor signs his emails "Janitor." The Milos the surgeon plotline though, just reminded me of Milos the janitor from Newsradio. Not a great episode, but enough laughs to work.

  • 30 Rock: How unbelievably great is this show? Rip Torn! I kinda saw the Tracy not having a daughter thing coming, but it was still pretty funny.
    • "It turns out she asked him to take it out."
    • "They're very good at sensing debilitating loneliness in a person."
    • "Damn straight, I'm delightful."
    • "Don't tell me to calm down, you fungdark."
    • "Do you like the new me? And before you answer, Superballs!"
    • "I will fire you, and you will never alter drapes in Atlanta again, because you do not cross a Sugarbaker woman!"
On the Tivo: Smallville, The Office, Earl, Sarah Silverman.

Hey, whoever writes those NBC promos? Don't tell me what I'll be talking about tomorrow.

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