Thursday, February 22, 2007

TV Catchup

Finishing up Wednesday stuff, highlight for spoilers:

  • Friday Night Lights: Alright Julie coming right out and asking for sex all matter-of-factly was quite a shock. Matt's reaction was extremely appropriate, though. All their scenes were cute and everything, but I feel like a pansy for liking them. So enough about that. As usual, the best stuff came from the Taylors, who are really well written and both actors play it perfectly.

    Buddy nailed Tyra's mom, felt guilty about it, fired her, and then she showed up outside his church and hit him a bunch. Riggins was all buddy-buddy with his dad, til pops stole a camera from the team, then he went on a bender and got his ass kicked. Not much to the story, but it gets us through the falling out between them, which could've dragged on for way too long, but thankfully didn't. And in what seems to be the theme for last night's TV, a tattoo artist shows up to connect with one of our characters. In this case, Street, who's trying out for quad rugby.

    The side stories weren't too great, but the Taylor family carried the episode. I really hope this show lasts, though it's being thrown to the American Idol wolves for the rest of sweeps, which demonstrates the lack of confidence NBC has in it at this point. But if it does get canceled, I just hope they let the production team know ahead of time and let them finish out the season, and wrap things up in a satisfying way.
  • Knights of Prosperity: Alright, they sucked me back in. The montage with them playing around in Mick's apartment (with a few nice callbacks to the pilot) was funny, as was the portable toilet gag. And Maz Jobrani had a lot of funny moments this episode. Good stuff.

Tivo: Empty, except for more TCM stuff.

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