Tuesday, February 20, 2007

TV Catchup

I forgot I recorded that history of Star Trek thing Monday night, but I still haven't watched it. Caught up with EHC, and watched some March premieres online. Highlight for spoilers:

  • Everybody Hates Chris: Chris cuts school to see Ghostbusters, his dad stands in line at the DMV, and his mom visits the younger kids at school and is a huge bitch. And at one point, Greg pulled bottled water out of his backpack. I guess technically it might've existed in 1984, but the odds of a kid outside of a country club drinking it seem pretty remote. A few good moments here and there, but another sub par episode.
  • The Black Donnellys (pilot online here): I only made it through 3/4 of the episode, not cause it was bad, just cause the player kept cutting out on me. I was interested enough to watch it when it comes on. It has a few funny moments, but I'm curious how it works as a series. The pilot is framed around a guy telling the cops a story... maybe the pilot wraps up in such a way that it launches into a series, but I haven't gotten that far. If not, I don't see how he can keep stretching his story over 13 hours or whatever to fill a season.
  • The Winner (first four episodes online here): I watched two episodes. The pilot was weak, only Rob Corddry's performance made it bearable, but the second episode was actually pretty good. I like the random Wings references. I'll probably end up watching the first season, just cause there's a shortage of comedies on tv.
Still on the Tivo: The aforementioned Star Trek thing.

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