Sunday, February 18, 2007

Saturday Night TV

No new SNL last night, so I checked out the competition (no plot, so no spoilers):

  • MadTV: This show still doesn't make me laugh. That is all.
  • Talk Show with Spike Feresten: I've checked it out a couple times before, and I can't imagine it will last long, but there's something incredibly likable about the show. Totally awkward interviews, amateurish across the board, but the writing is top notch, and it sort of has the feel of early Conan O'Brien shows. Like Conan, Spike Feresten is a writer by trade (most notably for Seinfeld) and his jokes are often self-deprecating. Also like Conan early on, he brings plenty of energy to everything, but he is not entirely comfortable when not on cue cards. But if given enough time to grow into the role like Conan did, he could really be good at this.

    The comedy bits are pretty good (not surprising given Feresten's writing experience), and featured Newsradio writer Joe Furey, which is nice to see. It's also kinda cool that they like to work the guests into the comedy. This week's guest, Melinda Clarke, did a "Head On" commercial parody, and read a series of jokes about what would've happened if her Seinfeld guest star appearance (on an episode Spike wrote) had lead to a relationship behind the scenes between her and Jerry. This isn't great TV, but it's not bad. If you've got nothing to do and SNL is a rerun (or you just don't like it), it's worth checking out.
SNL's back new next week, hosted by The Office's Rainn Wilson, so that should be worth checking out.

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