Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Wednesday Night TV

A break, finally, from all the reruns that have been on this week. Highlight for spoilers:

  • Lost: A Claire flashback this week... is this only her second one, or third? She's been ignored a lot, but given the Others' obsession with fertility and babies, I have to assume she'll end up being really important in the grand scheme.

    Do I just not remember the parts where Charlie redeemed himself for acting all crazy and almost getting the baby killed? Claire certainly seems all chummy with him again in the first half of the episode.

    Her tagged bird plan is actually pretty smart (except for not covering it in some kind of scotch tape or plastic), but as soon as Desmond showed up (after a second of him looking like a c-blocker), you kind of new where that was headed. I thought the note was a little wordy, though. But I guess it was a dramatic moment so they wanted poetic sounding words rather than just cramming as much information as they could fit on the page, which is probably what they'd actually do.

    Jack's dad paying for Claire's Mom's hospital stay was a nice spooky thing when he was a mystery benefactor, but I could've sworn Australia had some kind of universal health care system. Nice, I guess, to get the Jack's father/Claire thing out of the way, since the fans had picked up on that during the Ana Lucia flashback.

    Over in the crew headed to rescue Jack, we get a nice spooky scene where Captain Eyepatch reveals all the creepy stuff he knows about the castaways, including Locke's paralysis, but naturally that get's cut off. That security perimeter was pretty messed up. Would've been more dramatic if it hadn't reminded me of the "brown noise" from South Park though. I get Locke taking the C4, I guess, though it makes his actions last week even stupider, but why didn't he take more of it? It's certainly a lot nicer to have around than that dynamite if you ask me (or Arzt). Jack playing football at the end was a fun twist to end the episode.

    Is it messed up that my first thought about the opening car wreck scene was that Claire looks much hotter with dark hair? And speaking of hot, I'll admit it. Kate climbing that tree was strangely appealing. I'm pretty easy to please in that respect.

    Another quality episode. With the exception of the incredibly boring tattoo episode, this half of the season has been really good. Lost-haters be damned, I still love this show.

  • Bones: I was disappointed to see Bones' super handy agent boyfriend return (and he calls her Tempy?), and with their temporary partnership over, they now come up with flimsy excuses to involve him in the investigation so he has something to do. But I was happy to see Jonathan Slavin (Byron from Andy Richter Controls the Universe) make an appearance. But as usual with these shows, you have to immediately suspect the familiar actor. I didn't see the Strangers on a Train (or... on a chat room) aspect coming, but I was not the least bit surprised that Slavin's character was involved.

    We go with a plot that I'm guessing they've been saving for a week when they were out of ideas: someone's killing people in the same way Brennan's described in her books. Not that exciting, but they have a few nice scenes. The part where they were determining how to get the bullet out of the rat was excellent.

  • South Park: Hoooooo-lyyyyy cow. The reveal of Butters' accountabili-buddy hanging himself managed to not be one of the wrongest jokes in the episode. "A secluded camp where lots of bi-curious boys are all put together? That sounds like a good idea!" just about killed me.

On the Tivo: Jericho, Halfway Home.

Ah, ABC goes with the extremely annoying moving ad in the corner of the screen to plug Dancing With the Stars. I hoped that after Family Guy annoyed the crap out of Arrested Development viewers, the networks might abandon those. But alas, no.

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