Friday, March 16, 2007

Thursday Night TV

A couple premieres last night, Andy Barker, P.I. and Raines, which I caught earlier. Plus October Road, which the reviews say are as bad as the commercials, but I still may give it a shot. Highlight for spoilers of the non-premiere stuff:

  • Smallville: For some reason I thought they'd stretch out the wedding until the season finale, but they got right to it here. Not sure why they went with the Quentin Tarantino timeline, because it didn't seem to accomplish anything. Lana learns Clark's secret finally, accepts it, and is ready to run off with Clark, but Lionel jumps in and threatens to kill Clark unless she goes through with the wedding, and so she goes through with it. Lionel has to be one of the more confusing characters on TV. He started off as a villain, then almost died and came back as a good guy, but then turns villainous again, hiding bodies for Lex and threatening people to save his marriage, but still inexplicably keeping Clark's secret.

  • Scrubs: I haven't seen Victoria Tennant in a while, and it was nice to see the junkie character played by James from Spin City back. The running self-referential joke about the Grey's Anatomy voiceover was excellent. And I love the callback to the episode where Carla lost Rowdy. My favorite part, though, was the ad for the baby lowjack that said "For White Babies."
On the Tivo: Jericho, Halfway Home, October Road.

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