Well, I'd intended to write a little review of Thank God You're Here, but it was just too painful to actually watch the whole thing. The sketch was way too long and just not that good. Plus, David Alan Grier looks really old. TV Squad, fresh off a redesign that I don't think I care for, posted a bunch of videos from the show a while back, and they were similarly not that good. Speaking of redesigns, The Daily Show has a new set, which will take some getting used to. But let's get down to business.
Spoilers for The Riches below:
The Riches: The best scenes this week, as always, were with Wayne at work. He and Aubrey are really developing a chemistry.
"We've been working together a while now."
"Four days."
"I think you should call me Wayne. No, Doug. Doug's better."
For the first time, Wayne's really over his head with a case, though, to the point where he has to fake narcolepsy to find a way out. But to get around complicated legal issues like Eminent Domain ("it's how you steal people's property... because you want to."), he figures out that he can be a guest lecturer at a local college, getting law students to give him answers. Pretty slick.
Dahlia is bored. Very, very bored. But then she discovers that the late Mrs. Rich was a dental hygienist. Dahlia is hired by Mac from Night Court. She has a pretty funny scene where she fakes her way through a cleaning, but then of course stumbles onto lots of drugs. I felt like it could've been a better scene, like when Lost's Charlie found the Virgin Mary statues full of heroin, but they kinda blew right past it. I guess it couldn't last though, a hygienist who can't clean teeth and who steals drugs would get fired or arrested pretty quickly, and it turns out Dr. Mac had just lost his wife, and ends up killing himself. But this just makes her realize she misses Wayne, and it looks like she'll be working with Wayne at Panetta's offices.
Ginny has of course been spying on the family, and apparently sneaking into the fridge and giving her baby fetal alcohol syndrome. And it looks like she's struck a deal to not sell them out, but it requires Ken, Di Di's sorta fiancee, to move in with the Malloys.
Good episode again. A few laughs, Dahlia finally did something for herself rather than just be motherly, and with Ken moving in, I'm excited to see where things are going.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Monday Night TV
at 3:51 AM
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