Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Wednesday Night TV

A fine night of television, and I've only watched half of it. Highlight for spoilers:

  • Lost: A Locke flashback this week, with a couple nice touches. They start with him seated, talking about disability payments, making us think it was post-paralysis, but he was actually collecting for depression. And this played into the theory that Locke lost use of his legs due to a suicide attempt (Hurley owned the box company Locke worked for, and we saw that guy fly out a window during Hurley's first flashback at his accountant's, leading people to connect the two). Though given the awesome sudden turn when his dad pushes him out the window (a nice parallel to Locke pushing Mikhail into the brown noise fence last week), it's possible Hurley was on one of the floors beneath.

    On the island, Jack's chumminess with the Others is because they're going to follow through on the deal to take him home, and will be taking Juliet along with him. But Locke's going to blow up the sub, making departure impossible, and playing right into Ben's hands. Locke, Sayid, and Kate all get caught, so after all this bargaining and escaping, there are actually more people in the Others' custody than there were before.

    The big spooky part of this episode is the discussion of the box on the island that contains anything you can imagine. Somehow, this results in Locke's dad appearing. More importantly, this raises a bunch of questions about which island oddities are box-related, assuming the box isn't bullshit to begin with. Were the various hallucinations (Jack seeing his father, Kate seeing a horse, etc) because of the box? Was the plane crashing a result of Ben wishing for a spinal surgeon? Interesting.

    Another solid episode. I don't know what was going on in the fall, but since the return from hiatus, the show's been just about as good as ever. I'm too spoiler-paranoid to watch the teasers for the next episode, but the guys I was watching the show with seemed really excited about next week. And until then, keep an eye on the Lost Easter Eggs blog for cool stuff from this episode.

  • South Park: They really like making fun of generic action movie plots, huh? For a minute, I thought it was going to be a Superman origin story parody. The parents of a new son believing their world is about to end, the government not believing them, Clyde's doctor early on mentioning the fly as a way to travel from one scalp to another seemed like a good way to get little louse Kal-El off of Clyde/Krypton... but yeah they went with a more Bruckheimer-type plot.

    Not bad, but not a great episode by South Park standards. The reveal that they all had lice was nice, and I liked the "sock bath" joke. I was sure the fly was going to take the louse to someone's crotch, but I thought it would be Mrs. Cartman.

On the Tivo: Friday Night Lights, Bones.


Unknown said...

I really liked The Man from Tallahassee. I find Ben's struggle to maintain power really interesting, and it's comforting that someone knows about the "magic box" effects of the island. I also liked that Ben doesn't know everything, and his curiosity about Locke's walking phenomenon is intriguing.

I immediately thought that Locke fell past Hurley's accountant's window, too. And now that Cooper is on the island (debatably so, I suppose), perhaps James Ford will get to confront the "real" Sawyer.

One thing that really interests me to know is how EVERY Other we've met is so familiar with the Losties. It's like they all had to memorize the files of the survivors. Very strange.

Bill said...

It'd be a cool twist if in the end Locke had nothing at all to do with Cooper showing up on the island, if it turned out that Sawyer's desire to face him is what summoned him. But that might be thinking one step too many ahead of the writers, who I'm learning to trust more and more.

Unknown said...

On a side note, I heard a rumor that Harold Perrineau turned down a late-season return to the show. I hope that doesn't create an indefinite loose end.

Unknown said...

Let me ask you some questions... I've been wanting to get into TV/media blogging for a while, but I never seem to find the time to really commit to it. How do you find time to pump out all these entries in a day, full of obervant commentary? Are you a writer full-time or do you go to a job too? Where are you based?

Bill said...

Thanks for the kind words.

I have a real job in IT, but it's sort of a Maytag repairman type situation, where I spend a lot of time waiting around for computers to break. So I'm left with a lot of time to kill. I spent a lot of it reading entertainment blogs, and clogging up their comment sections with long-winded posts, but eventually figured it would make more sense to keep the long-winded stuff on a blog.

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