Wednesday, March 21, 2007

TV Catch-up

Nothing new Tuesday night, so mostly a non-TV night for me. I did catch back up on the rest of Monday though. Highlight for spoilers:

  • Everybody Hates Chris: I didn't really care for the main story, about Chris getting a gig as a DJ for a party. It seemed like a flimsy excuse for them to be able to make jokes about the early days of rap. And the jokes weren't that great. Plus, it sounded like they could only afford the rights to the one James Brown song ("The Boss", I think?), because it ran almost non-stop through the episode. This is a situation where a few soundalikes would've worked better. The B story was great, though. Drew gets into magic, and wants to go see a free performance at a toy store. When Julius finds out there may be rabbits pulled out of hats, we get a hilarious flashback to him seeing Night of the Lepus.

    The other highlight of this episode is that Adam Finley is back reviewing the show at TV Squad. He seems to like the show a lot, and even though my love for it lately is fading, his reviews are always a nice read.

On the Tivo: nothing.

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