Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Tuesday Night TV

No Veronica Marses, no Laws & Orders, so a very light Tuesday, TV-wise. Highlight for spoilers:

  • Gilmore Girls: Three generations of Gilmore ladies head off to Mia's wedding in a semi-bonding road trip, but all those issues of Mia's surrogate grandmotherness pop up again. And after naming Luke Godfather, Lane has her babies. Not terrible, but nothing interesting going on at all.

  • House:: Kurtwood Smith is Dave Matthews' father? My initial reaction was hoping Matthews spends most of the episode in a coma, cause I'm not thrilled at the idea of him acting. But he wasn't half bad. And Kurtwood Smith was pretty great.

    Plot-wise, I was worried we'd have a half season of "House has cancer," but House's plan to get high by faking cancer was awesome. And the case of the week was interesting too, you can't help but feel for the father with a very difficult decision, and any time someone buttoning their shirt is an uplifting moment, you know something's going right.

    One thing I'm not sure I get was Dave Matthews' savant-ness. Being able to replicate what House played on the piano seems right in line with that, but instantly composing the next few phrases of House's piece? At least in other movies with savant types, that kind of creativity is well out of their reach. Obviously, watching medical shows (and Rain Man) doesn't make me an expert on the field, but that didn't jive with what I thought I knew about those types of conditions. Anyone smarter than me know the answer to that one?

    House adding the clapping to the "I Don't Like Mondays" intro was hilarious, as was his fake patient name (Luke N. Laura).

On the Tivo: Black Donnellys, which I'm still debating.

Hey, contestant from the Search for the Next Pussycat Doll in the commercial, dressing like a prostitute isn't women's empowerment. I certainly respect your right to dress however you want, and thoroughly enjoy it when an attractive young lady dresses provocatively, but I'm pretty sure that NOW won't be holding a luncheon in your honor for it.

Also a programming note: South Park's season premiere is tomorrow (Wednesday) and The Sarah Silverman Program is on right after instead of its usual Thursday time (to try to pick up some of SP's viewers).

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