Saturday, March 3, 2007

Friday Night TV

The cable's back, thank goodness. Highlight for spoilers:

  • Las Vegas: So last week Dean Cain was crushed by a giant squid off camera. Way less interesting that Lara Flynn Boyle being blown off the roof, but Sam inherited the Montecito, and now she's drunk with power. Also, Mary's dad didn't go to jail, so she wants to shoot him. But presently, she's having some issues with crowds and being easily startled. And the "previously" mentioned that Shooter McGavin episode, so I thought he might be coming back, but I guess that was just because they happened to reference the kidnapping. Actually, for all I know, he may have come back. I missed a 15 minute chunk in the middle for a news interruption (a press conference about the bus wreck here this morning).

    And Delinda was eating a corn dog looking thing that she described as a corn burger with chili and cheese. That sounds freakin' delicious, in a heart attack causing sort of way.

  • Monk: Yet another non-mystery mystery. At least this time it wasn't until about 10-15 minutes in before they telegraphed the killer. Nice to see both Bulldog from Frasier and Tommy's father from Rescue Me. But this episode was typical of the current season... a few funny parts, but totally unremarkable.

  • Psych: I love that Shawn and Gus are terrified of the ghost, and how excited they were at having started an urban legend. But more importantly, setting the mystery in a sorority house is a good idea. For the, uh... interesting relationships between the sisters... yeah, that's the ticket. I love that Gus is starting to get good at detective work. He's obviously not on par with Gus yet, but he's still picking up on a lot of stuff. Mercedes Ruehl in the B-story was pretty good, too. Even though nothing really happened, she really sold the crazy.

    One thing that bugged me: Shawn started doing the "redrum" finger motion from The Shining, which seemed like it was obvious that he got that it was Bianca backwards. But then he just stood there like an idiot for a second before seeing the reflection of the Acnaib, then he made his "aha!" face and it was like he didn't get it until then.

    The joke that Gus played Bud on The Cosby Show was hilarious. I confuse Dule Hill and Deon Richmond all the time. When Teachers came out a year or two ago, I was seriously confused as to why the guy from The West Wing looked sorta weird. And Airplane's "good luck, we're all counting on you" always makes me laugh.

On the Tivo: Nothing.

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