Thursday, March 8, 2007


Is it possible for a movie to be any more packed with testosterone and adrenaline? I doubt it. 300 is exciting, action-packed, and everything you'd hope for from an adaptation of Frank Miller's comic. It's visually stunning, bloody as hell, and the fight scenes are graceful and brutal.

Gerard Butler has a tremendous presence as Leonidas, and Lena Headey is both gorgeous and strong as the Queen. My only complaints about the film come from Xerxes, played by Lost's Rodrigo Santoro (the hated Paulo). They digitally altered Santoro's voice, which I'm cool with, I'd like Xerxes to have a booming voice that's a little intimidating even to Leonidas, who has more balls than a McDonald's playground. But they altered it so much that it sounds... well... like a digitally altered voice. Sorta like a woman speaking into one of those things that'll make her sound like a guy. I didn't like the effect at all. Also, sometimes his look (with makeup and carefully cropped eyebrows) was a little bit gay, which I thought was odd. Not, as they say, that there's anything wrong with that.

Obviously, if you don't like movies with lots of people chopping each other up on a battlefield, skip this one. Otherwise, You should absolutely see it. 300 opens Friday, March 9th.

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