Friday, February 16, 2007

TV Catchup

Most of these weren't in top form, but still entertaining. Highlight for spoilers:

  • The Office: A lot was made about Joss Whedon directing, but TV directors don't really do that much. Maybe the bat/vampire bit was in honor of his directing, but I think mostly the director's job on a series is to keep the feel of the series intact... and make sure everything gets done on time.

    The episode was pretty average for the show. Michael was back to normal levels of embarassingness after two straight episodes of extra nuttiness. His Mr. Handell story was fantastic. "Really ruined 8th grade for us...." The vampire jokes were ok, but they were carried entirely by Dwight's paranoia. And Creed is never not funny. And while I normally don't like the parts that aren't just straight comedy all that much, having Michael come through as the hero in the end for Pam was a nice touch.
  • My Name is Earl: If that's all Earl ever did to the one legged girl, she's some kind of nut. Obviously that's uncool, but that's the kind of thing you get over eventually. Weird episode, though. Just a big pile of things Earl's done wrong. And the key party thing was obviously bad, but they set it up like it was the worst thing he'd ever done, and it wasn't super evil.
  • The Sarah Silverman Program: Alright, this was not as good as the other ones. The part with the questions to assess her risk was pretty good, but as soon as she went on her crazy mission they mostly lost me. Though for some reason Laura not getting upset at the blown $17k cracked me up.
  • Smallville: Bowling shoe spray guy couldn't have been more obvious about hitting on Lana without getting slapped or arrested, yet she was completely oblivious. Chloe having meteor powers is kind of an interesting idea. She has inexplicable hacking powers, should've died like eleven thousand different times, and has broken dozens of the craziest (but still true) news stories in the world. Meh, and Lex is evil. I hate this show and I can't stop watching.
On the Tivo: A billion TCM movies, that's about it.

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