Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Wednesday Night TV

Managed to catch Lost and Jericho tonight, while Bones goes into the ever growing queue of stuff to catch later in the week. Plus I'll be watching Spider-Man 3 Thursday night. Luckily, I have no life. Lost and Jericho after the jump.

Lost: Not a great episode, but not a bad one either. We had to get the revelation about Locke's father being the original Sawyer out of the way at some point, even though everyone on the internet seems to have figured that one out long ago, and we got some interesting scenes along the way. I don't have as much to say about an episode as I normally do, but here are the things that stuck out:

  • When Ben was trying to talk Locke into killing his father, he was seriously channeling the Emperor from Return of the Jedi. I swear, he almost said "strike him down with all your hatred, and your journey toward the Dark Side will be complete."
  • The scene between Locke and Rousseau was excellent. One picking up dynamite and the other trapping a screaming guy behind a door was just a regular day on the island for these two
  • Jack and Juliet having that whole "we should tell her"/"not yet" argument was really intriguing. Is it that they know something we don't? Or that they know that there's no way off the island, and they're just being cryptic about it?
  • Old Sawyer's idea that this was hell was nicely placed in conjunction with Naomi's news that the plane and bodies had been found.

And so we're left wondering what Jack and Juliet were talking about, how they'll react to Sawyer bringing Locke's tape and warning of the invasion, whether Juliet will get word of Naomi to the Others, and what will happen when the Other "invasion" happens. Lots of new questions, but only one answer we already knew. Still a cool episode though.

Jericho: The confrontation between Jericho and New Bern is finally here. Constantino issues a warning, demanding 7 farms and half the salt mine in exchange for not blowing Jericho up. Gray sends Stanley and a few other men, obviously doomed because neither Jake nor Hawkins went with them, to try to take out their mortars. It goes as expected, with Stanley only surviving thanks to the character shield.

Hawkins and Jake then take their shot at it, enlist the help of Emily's father Jonah, and manage to take out the mortars. They'd agreed to split the food, fuel, and weapons 50/50, but Jonah obviously screws them. Fortunately, Hawkins has had a huge secret armory the whole time. And Gray finally admits that he's not a wartime consiglieri, enlisting Johnston's help in handling the crisis. We leave off with every able bodied person in Jericho over 16 armed and waiting for the New Bernians.

If they had ditched the whole Dale storyline, which always seems to suck, I would like the show a lot more. But this wasn't a bad episode at all. I'm still hoping Heather comes back, but she wasn't mentioned at all.

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