Thursday, May 17, 2007

Thursday Night TV

Season finales aplenty tonight. I've been putting some thought into what I really want to do here, and I think I'm going to abandon the nightly commentary on everything. It feels like a chore, and I can't imagine all that many people are enjoying reading them anyway. But past the jump, some random thoughts on Smallville, The Office, and Scrubs.

The Office: Freeze frame fun:

Creed Thoughts!

Hey-o, everyone out there in Syberworld. It's old Creed Bratton coming at you again here from my perch as a Quality Assurance Manager at Dunder-Mifflin paper. Just a few observations on the world around me.

What do you guys think is the best kind of car? To me, you can't beat motorcycles. They're small and dangerous.
Lines of the night:
  • "Pam's kind of a bitch."/"I hope you get the job in New York."
  • Yeah, I didn't get both your messages."

Scrubs: I'm kind of disappointed that they're going back to the Elliot and J.D. well. Despite a plot-heavy episode, they still worked in some good lines:
  • "I'm not risking my health on trash food. Unless it's a corn dog."
  • "Is that what you're going to say when she looks at you with those big blue eyes and says 'lmtkpkplts'?"
Smallville: I suspect some fakery, but if they killed off Lana there's no reason to watch the show anymore, except for a cool Clark/Bizarro fight.


dawn said...

I'm sorry you stopped doing your recaps I don't think you have to do eveyshow just a few. I wanted to here what you thought of the Sopranoes and Lost. I have been reading your blog for a while although I don't comment. Thank you for such a good job

Jamie said...

I love how we both went on hiatus the same week.

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