Friday, May 4, 2007

Friday Night TV

Not much tonight, but I'll be catching up with stuff over the weekend (among others, Bones, SVU, Criminal Intent, House, The Sopranos, Entourage), but tonight just Law & Order and Acceptable TV.

Law & Order: This week, our case is ripped from the story about those kidnapped boys in Missouri a few months back. A young boy is kidnapped and killed, and the evidence leads them to a kidnapper who's held an older boy captive for five years. It turns out though that the kidnapper wasn't the murderer, it was the older boy, leading to a traditional L&O court case. It was nice to see Olivet back, but otherwise the episode was a little too generic.

Acceptable TV: Mr. Sprinkles and Who's Gonna Train Me returned (with a Steve Agee cameo in the latter), and Sin Trek, I'm Not Racist, and Price of Dollars (which was funny, but I don't see how the concept lends itself to a second episode) premiered. I'll be voting for these two:

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