Scarlett Johansson and Bjork is an unusual combination. Early on, Scarlett looked really stuck on the cue cards, so I was worried that would be distracting the whole time, but it was only the first couple sketches. She did an ok job, the writing didn't do much for her though. In the monologue her top was barely holding her in, which was kinda nice... but is her singing voice really that low? She sounds like Princess Vespa in Spaceballs. A couple pretty good sketches, mostly weaker than usual. More thoughts after the jump.
Really lame opening, even with the Chuck Schumer cameo. Is there any reason they always open with the George Bush bit?
Roy Rules! ruled. Why is the digital short always so much funnier than everything else?
Kristin Wiig reprises her role with the reporter who gets distracted by her attraction to an interviewee. But what on earth was with the cat mauling at the end of the sketch? It really wasn't funny, and was extremely poorly executed, with the stick the cat was hung by going well into frame.
I've never been a Bjork fan, but you have to respect someone who's not afraid to go out and sound completely different. She mixes up her sound all the time, but never sounds like anyone else.
Weekend Update was pretty good. Some nice jokes, and the people other than the anchor were actually kinda funny for a change. Too often lately they've completely derailed the whole segment for me, but Will Forte's song wasn't bad at all.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Saturday Night TV
at 1:22 AM
In: Saturday Night Live, TV || DiggIt!
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