Friday, March 9, 2007


Over at Ain't It Cool News, they posted a super cool hi-res pic of Rorschach from test footage for Watchmen, 300 director Zack Snyder's next project based on the Alan Moore comic books. Personally, I loved the color palette of the comic, so I'd like to see it... it's hard to describe, colorful but dull. Like slightly darker versions of the bright colors you'd find in an old Superman comic. But otherwise, I love the shot. NYC skyline in the background, Rorschach's barely visible ink blot mask... and it's all cool looking.

And if they can make everything in Watchmen look cool and stay reasonably faithful to the story, that's probably good enough for me. I'm not one of the people who freaks out at Hollywood messing with the stories they love. I'm happy to see good stories exposed to mass audiences, and as long as they don't go crazy messing with things (like giving a happy ending where one doesn't belong), I'm happy to just go along for the ride.


Unknown said...

I'm definitely looking forward to the Watchmen. I wonder if Alan Moore will take his usualy surly demeanor about it. Understandable if he did since Hollywood has not been too kind to his work.

I like your site, man. Sounds like you're into the same stuff I am. I see your comments on TV Squad all the time.

Bill said...

Last I read, Alan Moore had some kind words for the draft written by David Haytner (X-Men, X2), but in a backhanded compliment sort of way (something like "that's as close as a film will ever come to getting Watchmen right.").

But apparently they've made a few revisions to that... Haytner's version was a modern update, while the finished film will end up with the original mid-1980's setting. I'm not sure if I like that or not, but the impulse to stay faithful to the book is promising.

And thanks for the kind words... and yeah, I spend a disturbing amount of time at TV Squad.

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