Sunday, February 25, 2007

Saturday Night TV

Rainn Wilson on SNL! I've been excited about this:

  • SNL: The good:

    • The opening CNN bit was funny, but a little sad, considering how close it's been to the truth.

    • I'm glad they got the Office parody out of the way early, and that they kept it short.

    • The singing along to Danny's Song sketch was hilarious, though... the ending was lame, but the rest was funny enough that I didn't care.

    • Another good digital short, thought it went by so fast, I'm sure I missed some jokes. And again, they kept it short.

    • The peeping sketch. Pretty weak material, but Rainn Wilson's darting eyes really sold it.

    • The Arcade Fire. I've only vaguely heard of them, but they sounded pretty good.

    The bad:

    • The weird German-type people are never any good.

    • White Possum Scream. Rainn Wilson drinking Dr. Pepper like that was funny, as was the Dunston Checks Out poster. The rest was very un-funny.

I also did end up seeing Las Vegas from yesterday. As a commenter pointed out, they had some plot twists of a more serious nature, in addition to the standard goofiness.

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